From the Middle Latin signatura, to Latin signare, to sign.
Signature, sign, seal


I support individuals and teams in making their Signature visible in corporate and personal contexts. Use my experience from 20 years as a coach and manager to develop new perspectives for your topic using classic and unconventional methods. Together we strive to reach your goals. As your sparring partner, I help you plan the next steps and turn them into reality.

Who I am and What You Get

I offer two areas of expertise: Manager and Coach.

As HR Director in a DAX-listed company, I am responsible for successful business partnering and strategy execution in an international environment. As an HR expert, I accompany people and organizations in change processes and continuously develop myself as part of these changes. I am driven by creative approaches and innovative working methods. As a qualified coach, I apply effective consulting methods and expand the view of my clients' situation from a systemic perspective. The further development of the clients in their respective work and life worlds is the focus of the coaching process. Trainings and certification programs supplemented my own accumulated experience and practical experience as a business coach and systemic consultant. I combine person-centered approaches and organization-related consulting competence. Both my expertise as manager and as coach are at your disposal to support you in your search for solutions and the implementation of your next steps.



Business Coaching,
Career Coaching,
Transformation processes,
Self-organized teams
& Agile ways of working.

Mode of operation & formats

Professional background
Face-to-face and virtual
Coaching and consulting
MBTI Preference Profile
Peer Coaching

Target group / clients

Experienced professionals,
and people on the way


Does the conscious use of language help to overcome gender stereotypes, and thus open up a corporate culture to a diverse workforce?

„  There are two starting points for learning processes:
the past and the nascent future. ”
( Carl Otto Scharmer )

Let's start a learning process with your future in mind!
Here you can arrange a free initial consultation:


Interests & memberships

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